Technology has impacted almost every scientific field in a major way, and the healthcare industry is no different. Applications built specifically for mobile devices have helped improve education, increase accuracy of diagnosis and treatment, and have helped patients gain insight into their own problems. Here are some of the top apps that are useful for medical professionals.

1. Docphin


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Having access to the latest journal publications and staying up to date with the most current research is part of the job for any medical professional. Reading journals as part of continual education on the job is necessary, but more importantly, referencing journals to ensure the best possible care is given is essential.

Docphin provides a way to view PDF versions of articles from all the top journals and even save a copy for future reference. The simple user interface will allow you to stay organized and on top of all the latest publications. New articles will appear in a personalized feed so you see the research that is relevant to your profession.

2. Epocrates


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There are thousands of drugs that are used to treat various conditions. Doctors and pharmacists both need to remember an extensive collection of information about drug use and dosage, but ultimately need to be able to look up information quickly.

Epocrates is the leading drug reference app that is designed for the sole purpose of delivering accurate and extensive information on almost any drug on the market. Some users of Epocrates had issues with the interface on past versions, but since then the app has been updated and improved for both the iPhone 5 and iPad.

3. Nursing Essentials


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The list of responsibilities of a nurse goes on and on. While nurses are expected to remember how to perform most of their jobs, it’s natural to get rusty with certain skills or information if not used in a while. This is where the Nursing Essentials app comes in. This app contains a load of useful information about disorders, basic diagnosis, and several handy calculators to use in common job situations. It is also a useful tool for nursing teachers, tutors, or even students as they pursue their online nursing degree.

4. Medscape


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If there is one app that every medical professional should use, it’s probably Medscape by WebMD. This is a comprehensive app that features information on just about any condition or disease known to man. The most impressive aspect of the content is how well referenced and accurate it is.

Medscape goes far beyond just basic informational articles. In fact, there is a wide variety of resources like medical calculators, a frequently updated news section, and resources for continuing medical education. To top it all of, this app is completely free. The price you pay for the free resources is that there are sponsored articles, mostly from pharmaceutical corporations. The good news is that they are clearly labeled as such and easy to skip over if desired.

5. Calculate by QxMD

There are a few other apps looked at above that feature specific calculators, but none quite like Calculate by QxMD. This app is by far the best free calculator app for medical professionals. It contains over 150 different calculators to cover just about any need. Calculators are great for simple tasks like determining IV dosages.

6. Heart Decide


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No other app goes into as great anatomical detail about the heart as Heart Decide from Orca Health. It features detailed videos, images, and ct scans that allow you to view the heart from any angle. You can easily rotate your view, create slices to get an inside view, and identify specific parts of the heart.

While some physicians may find this app useful during certain procedures, the most effective use of it is for patient education. It’s always important for nurses and doctors to teach their patients about their conditions and treatment. When it comes to the heart, it’s easy to explain complex procedures and conditions using the Heart Decide app.

App use in the medical field will only continue to grow and improve the care that patients receive.

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