It is no secret that email marketing still remains one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your customers. A powerful email campaign will spark interest in your business and give you an opportunity to target a specific audience and push it through the sales funnel within the shortest time possible. By combining it with other modes of communication, such as SMS, web push notification, or social media messaging, you will achieve even more outstanding results.

However, now that many advertising messages are likely to end up in the spam folder, it is important to thoroughly plan your marketing campaign well before you send your first email. SendPulse is a multi-channel marketing platform that will help you to orchestrate this process with minimum financial investments, sparing you a lot of time and effort. It knows how to approach your potential or current customers without bombarding them with irrelevant or untimely messages.

SendPulse has everything you may need to create remarkable emails. There are over a hundred free email templates at your disposal.

You can search them by topic and choose one that suits the occasion. If you want to edit the existing template or create one of your own, use the convenient template editor and adjust the email to your liking. The service also allows you to design subscription forms and place them to your website. This will help you generate leads and consequently broaden your customer base for more effective outreach.

You do not need any technical skills or knowledge of HTML to create professional email templates or subscription forms. With the intuitive UI, the tedious task becomes an entertaining no-brainer.

By personalizing your emails, you will increase their chances of landing in your addressee’s inbox and reaching their ultimate goal. Smart personalization used by SendPulse allows you to automatically tailor your emails to your clients’ variables and send them within a single mailing.

With the unique tool called Automation 360, you can create automated trigger email campaigns, whereby relevant messages will be delivered to the recipient at the most suitable time with almost no intervention on your part. Specific events, such as shopping cart abandonment, will trigger an automatic response. Since SendPulse supports multichannel communication, you can contact the customer not only via email, but also through SMS or web push notifications.

If your email remains unopened, it can be delivered to your client’s inbox once again under a different subject line with the help of the “resend to unopened” feature. Moreover, the wide range of email statistics collected by SendPulse as well as such tools as A/B testing and list segmentation will give you an opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of your campaign and adjust it to realize its full potential.

All in all, SendPulse offers a number of unique features that allow businesses to create outstandingly effective automated marketing campaigns. Since SendPulse can be integrated with a number of other services, it is exceptionally convenient to operate. With its generous free plan offering up to 15000 emails per month and affordable but feature rich paid plans, as well as a loyalty program, it is a good alternative to such renowned players in the field as Campaigner or ActiveCampaign, which makes it especially attractive to emerging businesses.

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