When considering digital SLR cameras, is one brand really better than the next? The question is particularly confusing for individuals who want to move up from compact point-and-shoot digital cameras that everyone seems to have these days.

Furthermore, if you have had success with point-and-shoot digitals, why would you want to move up to a digital SLR.The second question is easy to answer. A digital SLR camera offers versatility and image quality that photographers cannot get with a point-and-shoot model. Sure, you probably have taken some outstanding photos with a basic digital camera, however, remember those photos that had extremely dark or light portions, or even a lot of glare? While a digital SLR camera won’t entirely eliminate those problems, it will sure help eliminate those undesirable possibilities.


A good rule of thumb when choosing an initial digital SLR is if you have been comfortable using a manufacturer’s point-and-shoot camera, chances are you will also like one of their SLR models. Higher end point-and-shoot models often have many of the same bells and whistles that photographers enjoy on digital SLRs, namely the ability to change shooting speeds and depth of field, along with creative shooting modes for landscape photography, close-ups and more. Almost all digital SLRs now offer an HD video mode, which is another advantage.

Familiarity with camera operation also dictates camera choice. Unless you are a seasoned photographer used to working with analogue cameras, a lower-end digital SLR will most likely be sufficient for your needs.

Also See : Automatically Store Photos From Camera To Dropbox.

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