Cloud computing may not be new, but it’s all the rage for businesses right now. The use of cloud servers allows small to medium businesses to eliminate the high cost of supporting an IT department, yet still attain the agility and technological capabilities necessary to remain competitive.

Companies, like Amcom and others, provide a range of virtual business solutions. However, if you’re new to cloud computing you may be confused about the type of services you need. There are three types of cloud computing solutions: public, private and hybrid, which is a combination of both. Here are the differences and the best use of each configuration.

Cloud computing

Public Cloud Servers

Public cloud services are the most cost effective, but they’re generally seen as less secure. With this service, all infrastructure, applications and other services are completely virtual. Choose this configuration when:

You’re developing an app and need to test the coding

You or your staff need to collaborate on a project
You need standardised resources for certain applications, like email or conferencing
You need SaaS or PaaS services

Private Cloud Servers

The private cloud option is the most expensive and secure. With this scenario, all software and infrastructure is owned by the client, not the provider. The services are available on a private network that’s maintained by the service provider. Choose private cloud service when:

You work in an industry that requires top security, like governments or military installations

You work for a large corporation, with a larger budget and more specialized needs
You work in an industry that’s based in data as a service and apps development

Hybrid Cloud Servers

Hybrid cloud services offer the best of both worlds and they’re the most popular choice for most business uses. It allows your company the flexibility to choose the most efficient service for different facets of your business. The drawback is that there are usually multiple providers and security levels to keep track of. Choose a hybrid when:

You want an SaaS with tighter security

You need a public network for collaborative projects and client interaction, but you need to maintain more control over sensitive data

Not all service providers are the same. A consultation with the provider you’re considering is the way to find out which of the services they offer best suits your needs.

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