In recent years, many businesses have invested heavily in Internet Protocol Telephony (IPT Phone Systems) & trusted VoIP service providers are both seeing greater interest, which leads to more investment for their products.. This investment is normally on the basis of two main goals:

– Future proofing the office Telephony System
– Saving Money

To save money, you seemingly need to spend a lot of it…

For many offices in need of replacing their old analogue phone system with a future-proof, cost-effective alternative, there has been a common problem: budget. Certain IPT vendors have had the monopoly on the IPT business sector which has always meant unavoidably high costs and often led to an unplanned, unexpected, increased investment.

The initial capital outlay associated with upgrading to IPT, (approximately £100 per IPT handset as opposed to about £12 for a standard analogue phone handset) has meant that a phased upgrade was the only affordable approach possible to implement the desired goal, IPT technology.

Unfortunately, this phased approach has often led to unforeseen extra costs for most businesses. In order to implement IPT, many organizations have faced double the phone support expenses, paying to keep the analogue phone switch support alive (with phone switch suppliers such as Siemens or Mitel) whilst also paying for the implementation of the new IP based phone system.

When you consider just how expensive the new IPT systems used to be, a lot of businesses and public sector organizations such as schools and hospitals could often end up stuck halfway through a phased upgrade to IPT, out of budget, and paying for two types of telephony.

So why is now the right time to save with IPT?

Recent market changes have seen an increase in the number of affordable IPT technology providers. Entry level low cost Voice Over IP (VOIP) phones such as Avaya handsets are now readily obtainable, and even compatible with the more costly vendors such as Cisco. Whilst handsets are now cheaper than ever, this still doesn’t mean savings, so what other factors are there to IPT which can actually save money?

– IPT handsets are now 50% cheaper than what they used to be. Finalizing the phased replacement of existing analogue phones in your business is now more affordable than ever before.

– Analogue phone systems come with costly annual support/hardware costs. Decommissioning old phone switches saves revenue.

– Conversion from multiple analogue lines, DPNSS links to a single digital line such as fibre ISDN 30 can reduce revenue costs on connections into your office phone system. This means a single, cheaper connection for receiving and making external calls.

I am Rahul a content writer and a Professional Blogger.  I am certified with ST0-141 test questions which are very popular these days and have a great scope in the field of IT Certification. I always like to take certification exams and now I have planned to pass ST0-149 test questions. These kinds of exams could secure your future as well as your job.

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