In today’s competitive online marketplace, e-commerce sites need all the help they can get to stay ahead of the competition, grow their business and get customers through the digital door.Taking advantage of every technology and innovation that comes along is therefore an incredibly important part of any ambitious e-commerce site’s online strategy.

At the moment, one of the online tools with the biggest potential for results is social media. With the ability to contact millions of people in a matter of days or even hours, social media is one of the most important factors driving more customers to your e-commerce site.

Word of mouth

Anyone who’s worked in sales will know that word of mouth is one of the most important and the most powerful marketing tools around. By building your social media presence, you can encourage individuals, businesses and organisations to get involved with your brand and spread the word to their friends and contacts.Not only will the posts and adverts on your social media profile encourage users to click through to your site, any likes, shares or comments are valued highly by search engines, improving your rankings and driving even more customers to your webpage.

Building trust

Once you’ve got customers to your site, one of the key factors in converting a visit into a sale is building trust.As some posts on social media are less than trustworthy, you need to ensure that your site gives customers the immediate impression of respectability, trust and security. Apart from the design and copy on your website, the easiest way to do this is to invest in an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for your site. This will show up on the URL as an ‘S’ following the ‘http’ code and shows customers that your site is secure and they can be confident doing business with you.

From basic Startcom SSL certificates to extended validation and domain validation certificates, SSL will help to keep your sensitive information safe, protect your site from hackers and make your customers feel confident and happy when they shop on your site

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