Are you tired of your short films looking like grade-school YouTube efforts? Do you want to graduate to the big leagues and get yourself noticed by a real production company? Here are five tips for improving yourself as a video editor.

1: Get The Right Equipment

If you’re still using the standard-issue software that came with your camera, it’s time for an upgrade. Look into Adobe or Pinnacle Studio products that will put a professional polish on even the most amateur video.

2: Trim Ruthlessly

Don’t get so attached to a project that you can’t take the shears and prune what’s unnecessary. Let your friends and family be your first testers; if they don’t like it or can’t follow what you’re trying to do, the general public probably won’t, either.

3: Be Flexible With Your Focus

Stop shooting your videos from the same angles or through the same lenses. Try something new: Adjust to a different aspect ratio, experiment with flares and special effects, etc.

4: Tweak Your Audio

Many first-timers get so caught up in the “video” part of video production that they underestimate the value of good audio. A truly great film balances visuals, music, sound effects and voiceovers in equal measure.

5:Ask The Experts

There’s no shame in admitting that you need a little help, especially in the notoriously competitive entertainment industry. Take a few classes through a company like Video Symphony to learn how to define yourself as both a filmmaker and an artist.

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