With continuous evolution in technology, there is more need than ever before for sustainable but environmentally friendly solutions. For example, many technological applications need be aligned with the “green technology” concept. For instance, if you are a web designer or you have involved web hosting, you should embrace concepts like green web hosting which is environmentally friendly. Green web hosting is a new concept encouraging the use of solutions not detrimental to the ecosystem.

With continuous evolution in technology, there is more need than ever before for sustainable but environmentally friendly solutions. For example, many technological applications need be aligned with the “green technology” concept. For instance, if you are a web designer or you have involved web hosting, you should embrace concepts like green web hosting which is environmentally friendly. Green web hosting is a new concept encouraging the use of solutions not detrimental to the ecosystem.

Tooltips are essential tips which are instrumental in creating information snippets for your website without disrupting your design. Often, the information piece is of interest to the visitors of your site. In the design field, Tooltips are regarded as one of the graphical user interface elements. For tooltips to be functional, they require a cursor or pointer as a guide. Tooltips work in such a way that a user points a cursor over an item her or she wants accurate information on. In the pointing process, a “hover box” with information about the item appears. In this article, we look at ten jQuery tooltip plugins. They include the following:

  1. Tooltipster

It is a powerful but flexible jQuery plugin which allows a user to create advanced tooltips that are enhanced using the unlimited power of CSS and have the ability to create semantics. With Tooltipster plugin, you can use HTML tags of your choice. As a consequence, you are liberty make use of images and undertake text formatting using the tags.

  1. Toolbar.js

If you need a tooltip style toolbars quickly for your website and other web applications, toolbar.js is ideal. The twitter bootstrap icons are relevant in the customization of the toolbars, and the process is easy, and it provides flexibility on the number of icons to be used and toolbar display. During the design process, toolbars may be attached to any element of choice. They are responsive and are often adjusted to suit element resize. The implementation is pretty straightforward and offers easy options. Toolbar.js is released under MIT License.

  1. Grumble js

Conventionally, tooltips have north/east/south/west positioning as a limitation. However, the deployment of Grumble js eliminates this restriction. With Grumble, tooltips can rotate 360 degrees. It uses any CSS style, and it makes use of the magic size adjustment, and it also makes use of localized text. It is possible to animate multiple Grumble using FX queues and works best using modern web browsers.

  1. Progression.js

This jQuery plugin is used to display active forms filled and at the same time it indicates the progress or how much of the form has (not) been filled. To store the tips, it makes use of data attributes and has numerous possibilities of customization. Further, Progression.js can easily be implemented in a form of any sort. Therefore, it is the plugin of choice in dealing with forms and may be deployed when designing websites that have forms to display for their visitors.

  1. Opentip

Opentip is a JavaScript tooltips framework that works best with the prototype, jQuery or standalone. It is renowned for creating tooltips which have HTML5 canvas. With this in place, any creative designs are feasible and work across many browsers. Using Ajax, content can be converted into a tooltip; it is possible to position them at will and are easily be grouped.

  1. IPicture

iPicture is instrumental when dealing with images. You can place tooltips at any location of a picture creating an exquisite impression. All a user needs to do is to hover a cursor over a tooltip and its content will be displayed. It may be customized in different ways. For instance, you can use different pointer images for distinct tooltips or several animations types. It should also be noted that ipicture makes work easier by use of a “wizard” that automates the entire process. By dragging and dropping, the code will be generated automatically.

  1. Joyride

As a jQuery plugin, it is used to simplify the process of guiding users in exploring the features of a website. Users explicitly navigate a website and easily sample what it has to offer. They do this by defining the “route”, and it also incorporates an order list to display the desired information. Its key features include the tooltip location, how fast the page can scroll (speed), and whether cookies are on or off. In a nutshell, Joyride is considered a simple yet an effective way of aiding users in navigating a website.

  1. TipTip (TinyTips)

It is referred to as a “lightweight jQuery plugin” because it enables the designer to add tooltips to virtually any element to a page. The plugin is designer-friendly and is well documented. Therefore, it is easy to use in creating tooltips. The installation and application process is straightforward. It also offers an impressive style by allowing the designer edit style sheets.

  1. qTip 2

This is the second generation of the qTip plugins. It is part of the popular jQuery platform. Some of the benefits they provide include image map support, speech bubble tips, and most importantly it is free under the MIT/GPLv2 license. It allows you to add new styles without necessarily having to carry out JavaScript coding, and it also enables you to edit the pre-existing styles.

  1. Tooltipsy

It provides a designer with a flexible base on which they can create tooltips. In most cases, it comes preloaded with default styles and animations but at the same time giving you control over them. However, the plugins are customizable to suit your needs and preferences during the implementation phase.

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