Nowadays it’s very easier to take advantage of your internet experience with the aid of browsing wisely & accurately in order to be safe from any fraud or Phishing attacks. Internet is now a quintessential part of our business and home existence, as well as making searching and banking easier, it provides an encyclopaedia of know-how at our fingertips, which we can access and share.
At the same time surfing and transacting online is effortless and lucrative experience, it is fundamental to be aware of abilities & dangers. It is also essential that your PC is covered and that you are cautious about giving out private information online. This blog help to make IT secure from various phishing and frauds, as internet site are designed to aid individuals and families guard themselves while making use of the web. It identifies some common risks of surfing and transacting on the web and offers options to be safe from these dangers, so that all people can experience a more constructive and comfortable online experience.
While accessing the Internet it needs to be taken care that it is never completely secure, there are a few simple steps you can take to protect your PC or device and reduce any risk to your information or data.
Application of Trusted Security updates
Many programs run on your computer or device including the operating system must have security application enabled. This acts as a platform for applications such as word processors, games or Internet browsers.
Keeping your Internet Access Secure
- Do use up-to-date anti-virus software, a firewall and anti-spyware. Don’t open email attachments if you are suspicious.
- Don’t share your password with anyone Do make sure your Internet connection is secure when giving out personal details..
- Don’t give out personal banking and credit card details by email.
Do mark your profile personal on social networking sites.