Internet marketing is now a big part of almost every brand’s marketing efforts. The amount of money being spent on campaigns, such as content marketing and social media management, is increasing exponentially. It won’t be long before internet marketing becomes the main focus of top brands around the world. According to studies compiled by Northeastern University and its online MBA degree program, there are three notable trends shaping up right now.

Content marketing will remain a key instrument to use in the future. 78% of CMOs believe that content marketing is very effective. The same can be said for video marketing, with thousands of new videos being introduced on sharing platforms every minute. We are also looking at better, more creative ways of engaging audiences on social media. Popular social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram are brands’ platforms for engaging potential customers.

Northeastern University’s Master of Business Administration Online Program

What about other trends?

The Trends That Are Changing the Way Brands Market to Consumers infographic by Northeastern University has all the information you need.

This infographic was created by Northeastern University.

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